Dimona H36

DOG – Dimona Owners’ Group Mailing List
Dimona H36 Specifications
courtesy John Callahan
VNE 150 Max rough air 113 Manoeuvring
Stall 38 Best glide 57 Approach 51-55
Touchdown 40 Max continuos RPM 3000 Thermal
@ 50
Not below 2300 RPM in cruise
Best climb fine prop. 51-55 Best climb coarse prop. 61-65
Propellor fine static max RPM 2700-2900
Propellor coarse static max RPM 2300
Oil temperature 50-120 preferred 80 Oil pressure 1-4 bar @ 2500 RPM
CHT less than 160 in cruise (150-170) Less than 180 in climb.
Max 250
For engine shutdown CHT less than 125
Spanwijdte: 16 meter
Leeggewicht: 560 kg
Beste glijhoek: 27 bij 105kph
Min. daalsnelheid: 0,9 m/s
– Oil filter / cooler kits are available from
an American company named “Bugpack” and are available at many VW specialty/performance
.. Importer is VSI imports www.vsiimports.com.au (offline 1111)
08 82774244
– Rubber products ( baffle seals etc) “Fitches” in Adelaide 08 83465193
and “Grippy” in Rydalmere, Sydney
Fuel Filter Ryco Z373 which suits a Falcon ED
Fuel pump most likely same as G109
Wheels…. Cleveland /Parker 5.00-5 model 40-78 static rating 1260lbs
Wheel cylinder….. Cleveland 30-9
Dimona Brake Master Cylinder
(word document listed on the documents page in the technical section
HOFFMAN PROPELLOR (Not the same Hoffman who makes
the aircraft).
Prop pitch change lever bearings – 608 2RS (two off). These are larger
than G109.
Prop flange nuts differ to those used on G109.
H36 and G109A accept same prop, but spinner and spinner baseplates
differ, G109 is larger.
More on Hoffman Propellors under technical/motorglider-propellors
Hirschman agent in Australia (tailplane rod end bearings) is R.R.
Fisher, Unit 7A, 2 Resolution Drive, Caringbah NSW 2229
Phone: 02 9540 4533
Fax: 02 9540 4079
Harness components are made by Friedrich Gadringer
The Australian agent for E-T-A Circuit breakers (as used in Dimonas)
Rubin Group Pty Ltd
73-77 Whiting Street
NSW 2064
PO Box 82
61 (02) 99065608
61 (02) 94392278
email: csales<at>rubin.com.au
… Mark Morgan’s suggestion (not yet approved by GFA)…. (Feb 02)
Line the the existing tanks with a satin weave cloth and the same resin that Schleicher uses for their fuel tanks in ASW 22, 24, ASH25 and 26.
Schleicher also had a problem with European mogas with the tanks in the ASK 14 and ASK 16 and these tanks had to be replaced with ones made from the current resin.
The details of the lining are..
Bakerlite L20 resin with H 91 hardener
Satin weave cloth EW303 (303 grams per sq metre) from FGI
– Metric fuel line brass fittings are hard to get – try using hydraulic
A U.S. mail order company with an impressive array of aircraft supplies
but unfortunately not many metric items.
Australian agent Lloyd and Dianne Shepherd
Catalogues from Lloyd for $AUD22
The following documents are available for download from the documents page in the technical section.
Dimona H36 Sauer
Dimona Flight Manual (word document 340k)
Dimona Service Manual (word document 519k)
Drawings (Hauptfahrwerksbügel.pdf 2.2Mb)
Hoffman HO-V-62 Propellor Manual