In 2009 Tim Exley asked for a new CMS system to be installed on the club’s site, and then used it to write some pages about his trip to Lake Eyre with McPhee. Recently he came around to my place for dinner and showed me how it worked, and I spent the next couple of weeks converting the old hand-coded site to a modern, database-powered system.
To demonstrate where it can go from here, given some industry, I’ll show you a few high-powered sites using the same system and in some cases even the same template structure.
The Club of Rome is a thinktank set up in the early 1970’s to study the pattern of human development. Their predictions then were dire, and unfortunately they were not wrong.
(Club of Rome uses the same templating as our site)
Brad Edwardsis a world champion glider pilot who gets around in a Citation.
ZDNet is one of the largest IT sites around. Much of their site runs on WordPress
LeMonde French newspaper
Rackspace is a huge hosting company in the States
Dreamhost is another biggie
Softlayer/Planet is also substantial. They host our server.
Many more really good ones here:
And of course the list would not be complete without on about the most important thing in our lives, except of course on Cup day.