Learn to Fly at Byron Bay
(Temporarily unavailable)
Have you ever dreamed of flying, soaring the ridges and thermals just as the eagles do? Have you been inspired by the books of Richard Bach and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, but never knew how to go about taking the first step? It’s a lot easier than you may think, and quite inexpensive.

6 Responses to Learn to Fly Gliders
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Hi, I’d like to enquire about doing some initial flying lessons to see if it’s for me. Could you let me know the best time to conact you. I work 5 days a week but am planning to be able to have some 2-3 hours off per week on a weekday to do some flying. I’m an established local resident and keen on learning to glide.
Thanks and regards,
The club will be delighted to help, Greg, but you’ll need to use the contact form at http://www.byrongliding.com/contact/
Hi, I would be interested in learning to fly a glider. I have a RA-Aus licence which I have only just reactivated after not flying for 15 years. I am in the process of obtaining a student PPL. I live locally and am a member of the Northern Rivers Aero club at Lismore. I understand the costs involved but would like to know what I have to do before I start and when I would be able to come to fly. Thanks for any information you can give me. malcolm
The club will be delighted to help, Malcolm, but you’ll need to use the contact form at http://www.byrongliding.com/contact/
Hi Malcolm,
In case No-one has answered you, I can advise that you need to make contact [me via the contact page].
Typically our club instructors are available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays- it would be wise to make arrangements for your first lesson/flight directly with an instructor. Before you start lessons and fly gliders(in Australia) you must join GFA(our governing body)and a club- either temporarily or over long term. You will need a GFA log book (available at clubhouse) and you will need to complete and sign a medical declaration of fitness or provide a doctor’s certificate for same. You should then be ready to start.
Lessons, for you, should mainly be to help you convert to gliding and to become proficient with our motorgliders. How long this takes is dependent on how well/quickly you pick up the necessary skills and assume the necessary responsibilities etc.
For more info you can call me on [see the contact page]. for a chat. My day at the club is usually on Sundays.
Cheers, Brian.
I am interesting in learn to glidnig,how much is the fees and how long take the course.