I have been aware of students lately who haven’t yet developed the reflex action of LOWERING THE NOSE. Hence the following thoughts (which incorporate take off emergencies:)
THINK before pushing on the throttle!
Once you start rolling, be very conscious of two things simultaneously:
What is the engine doing?
Where is the airplane going?
If the engine doesn’t sound right, or if it is not turning full RPM, ABORT IMMEDIATELY BY SHUTTING OFF THE IGNITION!
If the airplane is starting to swing because of insufficient rudder, quickly apply more rudder. In Limbach Motorfalkes there may not be sufficient rudder to counteract a crosswind from the RIGHT (N wind on 23, S wind on 05) XJX is sensitive to crosswinds from the LEFT. If the airplane is heading for the side of the runway in spite of full rudder, SHUT OFF THE IGNITION AND HIT THE BRAKES!
Once in the air, remember the basic rule of any airplane, from gliders to jets: KEEP UP FLYING SPEED! If the engine quits or the tow rope breaks, LOWER THE NOSE IMMEDIATELY! Pushing the stick forward should be a reflex action firmly implanted by practice. This reflex action is what saved Captain Sullenberger, a glider pilot, when his (European) Airbus engines quit and he had to land in the Hudson.
The “OPTIONS” part of chaOtic should be implemented for an emergency landing at the same time you lower the nose,. There is a lot to do at one time, which is why lowering the nose should be automatic. Each takeoff is different and emergency scenarios have to be firmly in mind before rolling: High enough to turn back? Head for a paddock? Which one is best? Every time you fly, look at all the paddocks in the area and evaluate them in terms of emergency landings. Check out the ones near the airport when driving. Safe flying is all about PLANNING AHEAD!